Church of the 3rd Servant Matthew 25: 14-30

In this timeless parable, usually about stewardship, we look at it through another angle asking 'Which character is Jesus calling the church to be?'[pdf-embedder url="" title="The Church of the 3rd Servant 11.15.2020"]
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Looking to the Balcony Hebrews 12: 1-3

An All Saints Day sermon on what will keep us going through these difficult times.[pdf-embedder url="" title="Looking to the Balcony 11.1.2020"]
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Embodying God’s Love Philippians 2: 1-15

St. Paul directs us to not look to our own interest but to the interest of others. He is telling us to be like Christ. How do we live out this directive as people who live in a world of power and self interest?[pdf-embedder url="" title="Embodying God's Love"]
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Embodying the Gospel Philippians 1: 27-30

St. Paul tells his church to live their political lives in a way that reflects the values of the gospel (Phil 1:27). During this contentious political season, how does the gospel invite us to be engaged as the church?[pdf-embedder url="" title="Embodying the Gospel 10.12.2020"]
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Embodying Gratitude Philippians 1: 3-11

St. Paul writes from isolation, uncertain of when he will be with his people again. Yet, he begins his letter with a word of gratitude. During this challenging year, what are we grateful for and how do we get there?[pdf-embedder url="" title="Embodying Gratitude 10.4.2020"]
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Getting a Passover Exodus 12

When it comes to suffering we all would like a passover. During the final plague, Egypt is ransacked with death visiting them. How do we make sense of the story today?Exodus 12 9.20.2020
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Plagues Exodus 7: 8- 8:12

Moses and Pharaoh are in a time of plagues. We find our lives are being consumed by two plagues as well: Covid and racism. What could today's plague be exposing and revealing before our eyes today?[pdf-embedder url="" title="Plagues 9.13.2020"]
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Calling All Midwives Exodus 1: 8-22

In times of Pharaoh, God calls on midwives to birth God's Spirit of revolution. How is God's Spirit birthing something anew today?[pdf-embedder url="" title="Calling All Midwives 8.23.2020"]
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“Here Comes the Dreamer (Part II)” Genesis 45: 1-15

Joseph's Dream final comes true, but not quite how he expected it to. How is God using whatever situation we are in to bring about God's dream of reconciliation and wholeness?[pdf-embedder url="" title="Genesis 45 8.16.2020"]
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